Fullstack Engineer

Coding to solve business problems or googling to solve code problems...

Fullstack developer with over 8 years of programming history since high school. Keen about learning technologies and realizing ideas with code.

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Fullstack Engineer

KADOKAWA Taiwan, April 2021 - Current

KadoKado (Digital publishing platform)

  • Built frontend components & backend APIs using React,GraphQL, Node.js, PostgreSQL, etc.
  • Designed & Implemented the transaction system, enabling buying & renting chapters of books using points, as well as redeeming vouchers
  • Introduced automated unit testing to backend service & repository layers using jest & github actions
  • Implemented a backstage with React & Antd for editing content & generating/managing voucher codes
  • Implemented frontend authentication components following OIDC
  • Reduced cost significantly by uploading static files to Google Cloud Storage in CI flow for serving

Integration of Shopify & ERP

  • Coded CronJobs to automatically crawl quantity of products from the supplier’s website with regex
  • Automated the process of issuing invoices & updating shipment status by using webhooks and task queues
  • Implemented an auto-login script for shopify users to login from KADOKAWA’s account center through OIDC

KTW Account (account center for all KADOKAWA’s services)

  • Improved readability & maintainability of KADOKAWA’s account center by introducing Typescript
  • Coded scripts using TypeScript to migreate member & bonus data from legacy Ecommerce site


  • Deployed and managed microservices with serverless architectureusing Google Cloud Platform
  • Created/Updated CI/CD flows for some projects using Docker & GitHub Actions
  • Deployed legacy websites on cloud VMs using Apache and updated/maintained them

Masters Student

University of Virginia, September 2019 - December 2020

  • First semester:
    • NLP
    • Machine Learning
    • Geometry of Data
    • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Second semester:
    • Cyber forensics
    • Software Analysis
    • Computer Networks
    • Advanced Operating Systems
  • Final semester:
    • Vision and Language
    • HCI

Backend Developer

Aurora Tech, November 2018 - July 2019

  • Developed the backend API for a lottery game web app using PHP, Redis, RabbitMQ, and MySQL
  • Implemented logic for computing bet results and updating player's pockets
  • Improved the performance of some methods by over 200% by merging Redis and SQL requests
  • Reduced redundant code by refactoring methods and classes
  • Designed and implemented how to store and automatically update lottery statistics each term

Undergraduate Student

National Tsing Hua University, September 2014 - June 2018

  • Assisted in the derivation of an algorithm for constructing neighbor-dependent node-weighted multicast trees
  • Designed object-oriented program architecture and implemented simulation program using C++
  • Automated test data calculation with Python and visualized the test results with Matlab